Thursday, January 13, 2011

an unremarkable blog post

That is all this is.

I don't have anything fancy to say. But I just need to pop in and share how HAPPY I am!

I am closer to living my dream life than ever.
I love the newfound freedom I have.
I love my children and watching them grow and learn and do the cutest, sweetest things!
I love seeing my husband experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from career success!
I love the dear friends and family I have acquired in this lifetime.
I truly enjoy being 30 and seeing my peers living their dreams and making things happen for themselves.
I love working in an environment where everyone is pursuing what they are truly passionate about and inspired by. It inspires me!
I love the feeling of ownership I have over my own life. I feel empowered!

Oh life, you are beautiful!



Monday, January 10, 2011

the sunlight peeks in

I bravely took some photos of myself while the sun broke in today.
And I'll bravely say that I feel pretty.

I didn't always feel this way, but I'm happy to be happy!

Monday, January 3, 2011

make life happen

Sometimes my heart aches when I know I need to do something creative, or at least something expressive (is there a difference?). And sometimes I facebook through this feeling, or look at the pretty things on someone else's blog that they made or photographed or did. And this simultaneously inspires and depresses me. Because I need to stop being an observer and start being a do-er. And this, more or less, is a goal of mine.

If anyone out there has ever wondered why I named this blog Soon, Then, I have an answer. When I began it years ago, the things I blogged about were either things I hoped I would have the time to do *soon*, or were reflections on things that had happened *then*. I'm hoping to move past the *soon* frame of mind and turn it into a *now* reality.

Wish me luck and cheer me on! :)

Happy New Year!